January: Reworking An Old Project

Wrote this game initially for a game jam last month.  I was attempting to make a FPS survivors-like using inspired by Sorath’s games. However, I dropped it in a very incomplete state because I lacked a proper, short, and meaningful GDD which had game development direction and what I was trying to do. 

I had added way too much about specifics vs larger picture, did not have a core pillar / motive I was aiming for that would guide my decision making, and I made the mistake of adding features deep into development vs just making sure what I had felt good. 

This jam I am going to do a remake of this old game, but with written down proper direction and goals. The game plan is to do some clean up, convert from C# in GDScript and add/cut from my original project so I can check if my core pillars and gameplay questions can be answered for my MVP.

I am aiming for a very thin vertical slice / MVP to see if my idea is worth continuing further as I felt the jam prototype rough idea had some potential to do further work on it.



  • Rewrite old GDD, and write in core version to guide in initial powerups I want and how I want to go about working the game.
  • Ported code bits from old C# project to GDScript for faster iterating
  • Lifted Devil Dagger-like controller from another previous prototype to use as new player controller vs the previous version
  • Adjusted knobs for Boid like enemies, and built a gib absorbing enemy
  • Replace XP orbs mechanic, to opt inside for a DD like gib mechanic
  • Rewrite old upgrade system to use VS-like style and split passives and actives into own folders for readability
  • Cut initial survivor loop to test first few core enemy types.


  • Completed VS-like upgrade system
  • Reevaluated power ups and if they contributed to my pillars which I wrote in the GDD. Implemented the following, and verified they worked as intended in isolation. 
    • Actives: 
      • Axe
      • Homing projectile
      • Cross Like
    • Passives:
      • Damage boost
      • Fire rate boost
      • Movement speed boost
  • Built “slot” system which new activate guns are placed across the screen
  • Setup Pinterest board
  • Adjust spawner waves to prevent overcrowding early into the game
  • Ticked potential issue with Boids above 100+ tanking performance. If I have enough time I will port an old hashed spatial partition implementation and convert from C++ to GDScript.


  • MadePinterest for getting ideas for enemies and gun designs.
  • Study models used in PS1/PS2 games of games I want to emulate style of to see what to do and practiced on making MetalHeart content as I wanted the game art style to take on that instead
  • Started some test models of style I want to get before commit next day to modeling all assets


  • Cut gun motif for the game, to swap to magic and using arm + graphic effects usage to save on time and to avoid modeling a bunch of guns and animating them all
  • Wrote description / directions on Itch.io page
  • Modeled all weapon power ups
    • Cross 
    • Red Orb
    • Axe
    • Boomerang Cross
  • White Boxed the general arena to play in. A bit experimental on my part as I have no experience designing FPS levels, but hey worst case scenario I go with flat planes only.


  • Break day to recharge


  • Opted for reusing some old model assets for enemies. Testing for gameplay, so I will switch these up later if I chose to push further with this project idea
  • Added some shaders for Holograms and water floor. Aiming for a Y2K/Cybercore vibe because I like it lol.
  • Modeled the main map
  • Tweak stats for power ups so they are not broken on equipped
  • Bug fixed some issues with the enemy spawns, gibs not appearing in right locations, and static body weirdness


  • Hit MVP state. I am still missing a lot of stuff I wanted, but these are ultimately not important as I am checking if an Sorath based FPS controller with VS mechanics feels fun enough
  • Bug smashing
  • Added instructions in starting screen and goal
  • Ported to Windows 10 from Linux system and tested with Wine


  • Various bug smashing.
  • Tweak spawning knobs and stats
  • Added in new enemy types. Added another tank that is like tank I, but does a straight dash to the player and uses any boid behaviors. Also added a stronger spawner


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